[8] Samuel Gruetter. Counterexamples for Coq Conjectures. CoqPL'19, January 2019.
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[7] Samuel Gruetter and Toby C. Murray. VST-Flow: Fine-grained low-level reasoning about real-world C code. Technical report, University of Melbourne, September 2017.
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[6] Samuel Gruetter. Improving the Coq proof automation tactics of the Verified Software Toolchain, based on a case study on verifying a C implementation of the AES encryption algorithm. MSc thesis, EPFL/Princeton University, April 2017.
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[5] Samuel Gruetter. Connecting Scala to DOT. MSc semester project, EPFL, June 2016.
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[4] Samuel Gruetter. Dependent Object Types With Existential Quantification Over Objects. Research report, EPFL, July 2015.
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[3] Samuel Gruetter. Improving Leon's Termination Checker. Project report, EPFL, June 2015.
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[2] Samuel Gruetter. Machine-checked typesafety proofs. MSc semester project, EPFL, June 2014.
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[1] Samuel Gruetter. Explorations of type systems. BSc semester project, EPFL, June 2013.
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